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This website and the accompanying book are an attempt to preserve the images and supporting details for family members now and in the future. I hope also that it will be a way of opening Ken’s work up to a wider audience and perhaps a way of gaining the recognition for him that I think his work richly deserves.

Close up of eagle owl head - Watercolour/Gouache with Conte painting by artist Kenneth Padley
Close up of eagle owl - Watercolour/Gouache with Conte painting by Kenneth Padley

I have been researching and collecting material for a book for some years now and have been greatly encouraged to find that the word is beginning spread about Ken’s work. I have been delighted to learn of paintings that I did not know existed, and to discover where certain paintings are that I remember from years ago. I have also been pleased to receive extra bits of contextual information from a variety of sources.

I would like to discover more samples of his creative photography, in particular works entitled “Trochilic Study”, “Watchful Buck” and “Junkie”, and would love to be able to trace any more of his paintings, including one of Snow Leopards and one of an Eagle Owl.  

If there is anyone reading this with whom I have not yet made contact, who is familiar with Ken’s work or has a painting of his; I would love to hear from you!

For feedback of any kind please use contact@kennethpadleyart.com

Clare Hale

Note: Reproductions have been taken from a variety of sources: Original works, print copies of originals taken by Ken, colour transparencies, colour and black and white negatives all taken by Ken. Every effort has been made to contact known owners of the artworks to ask their permission to publish a reproduction. My apologies to any owners of originals that I have not been able to trace.